Thursday, November 01, 2012

Winter Refuge

 A lot of impromptu snaps tonight. Greg styled out a rock fakie unannounced. It's not the size of the trick in the fight, it's the size of the heart in your chest.

 Okay, I'm all for impromptu, but Chad, next time, let me put on the fisheye before you toss out a one-footer on ANYTHING. (No, it's not an ollie north. I'll never accept that terminology. This is Emporium rules, and the ol' one-footed ollie is close to my heart.)

 Chad can throw these out willy-nilly. Feeble-fakie on the part nobody but me and Greg like to skate.

 Whoa! Doug learned this trick like a week ago and he's already taking it over the volcano. Powerful Doug Griffe.
Greg I can't believe you dialed this one in before me. But I'm proud. Proud and jealous. Good work my friend.

Actually, good work all my friends. Great night.

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