Friday, March 20, 2020

Mike Williams on The Descent

Why do you love this movie?
It’s so fun to watch. It’s got all the right ingredients for a good horror film. Plenty of blood and gore. Edge of your seat the whole time. A pinch of corniness. Babes. 

How many times have you seen it?
I dunno maybe 4 or 5 times

Do you remember where/how you first saw it?
I was at the legendary Rob Rivera’s house when we lived on the same block. Typical lights out scary movie scenario. 

If you could recast one role in this movie, which one and who would your replacement be?
I like that the cast is unknown. At least to me. It’s a huge part of why I think the movie is so great. But we could throw Angelina in As Sarah.  Lara Croft vibes (Biebel voice) 

Favorite scene in the movie?
When we first see the humanoid scurry away. Shits about to go down. 

Nominate this movie for a made-up Academy Award.
Best British Horror film about American women. 

Is this the best horror movie of all-time?  If not, what is? If it is, what's #2?
Close. Not the best. I think my favorite is The Omen. The best is probably the Shining. I have to say that though?
Anything about it you don’t like?
It’s not one of those movies that gets better the more you watch it. And the fact that the monsters have sonic hearing but can touch the women as they walk over them doesn’t make much sense. They can’t hear them breathing or their heartbeat?! But I’m not a stickler for those types of things.
Can you be friends with someone who doesn’t like this movie?
Sure. It’s not Forrest Gump or Shawshank.

If you heard they were remaking this movie in 2020, would you be bummed?
No. I’d hit 

We're making a gender-swap remake of this movie and you have to cast two guys to play the two main characters.  Who do you pick? Why?
Owen Wilson and Vinny Vaughn.  All of the monsters look like albino Ben Stillers. Because it’s a comedy reboot. Hollywood has done much worse. 

Is this movie offensive to the people of West Virginia?
Different type of humanoid 

Are you claustrophobic?
I don’t think so 

Were the monsters real?

Does she really get away?
Well in the American version she does. But the British version she wakes up after escaping and the monsters are creeping up on her. So I’m gonna go with no.

Ever see the sequel?
Only the first few minutes. 

Is this movie really about a woman’s struggle to maintain lasting friendships?
Damn. Probably not. 

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